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Schools & Nurseries

We have bespoke packages to suit your timetable
We can teach one off Circus & Hula workshops or be with you for an experience day suitable for all ages!
Afterschool clubs are a great way for puplis to learn and develop circus skills over a term.
Circus props include - hula hoops, poi, flowersticks, juggling,
diablo, bucket stilts, gymnastic ribbons & spinning plates

Amy is a proffesional actress, if you are looking for Drama workshops we can provide these to teach the curriculum through drama

We currently work with Livewire, in the Warrington area, as a facilitator on their full school experience days - these are booked directly through Livewire working with other companies for a mixed day of fun

If you would like to book a workshop or experience day with us or have any more questions, hit contact now!
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Hula Hula Fun is fantastic. The children have massively enjoyed the circus skills after school club, learning many new skills showing perseverance, resilience and determination. The joy on their faces when they achieve something new is invaluable.
Amy has so much patience, time and is passionate about sharing her experience. Definitely something I would recommend!

(Emma Perkins, Deputy Headteacher, St Barnabas CE Primary, Warrington)

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